Version |
Date |
Change |
6023 |
14/04/2004 |
This version finally resolves all of
the thread safe issues that the MapInfo regression testing picked
up. The raster handler in this release has been tested
with 200 threads all reading from the same ECW file and doesn't
exhibit any deadlocks. Also in this version all of the raster
handler components are all built with v7.0 of MSVC for compatibility
with the latest builds of the MapInfo products. |
6022 |
29/03/2004 |
This version has some additional thread
safe fixes. The MapInfo regression testing picked up some
anomalies when very large numbers of threads read an ECW file
simultaneously. These fixes should make the raster handler more
reliable under a heavily threaded load. |
6021 |
15/01/2004 |
This version has been extensively
reworked internally to make it thread safe. This work
should make use of the handler more reliable when used multi
threaded applications, for example web applications hosted within
IIS. This work has been done so that thread safe ECW support can
be included in up coming releases of MapX and other MapInfo
products. In addition a more recent version of the ECW dlls have
been included in this version. |
6018 |
06/08/2001 |
This version has an experimental feature which
changes the usage of cache memory by the ECW library. If the environment
variable ECW_CLOSE_ON_EXIT is set to a non NULL value then the caching
behaviour of the raster handler is modified, to release any cache upon exit of the
program. This feature may be of use in certain MapX based server
applications, whereby the server appears to leak memory. You should experiment with
your particular application, to decide if setting the environment variable is appropriate.
This behaviour is implemented via passing TRUE to the second parameter of the ECW
library call NCScbmCloseFileViewEx(). For more information on this behaviour see the
documentation that accompanies the ECW SDK.
In addition, a more recent version of the ECW dlls is included in this release. |
6017 |
26/07/2001 |
This version has some minor improvements to the
InstallShield. In particular long path names are truncated in the middle, rather
than at the end, in the dialog that allows the user to choose which directory to install
the raster handler into. In addition the on-line help text has been
changed in several places to clarify which MapInfo products ECW for MapInfo works with. |
6016 |
24/07/2001 |
This version has an improved InstallShield that can
automatically locate the install directory for any version of the MapX control installed
on a PC. Previous versions correctly located some, but not all, versions of MapX. Also
in this version the help has been converted to HTML help. This has the advantage
that it can provide live links to the MapImagery web page and other web pages of
interest to the users of ECW for MapInfo.
Using HTML help also makes it possible to serve up the latest version of the
on-line help on the web. This can be found here |
6015 |
28/03/2001 |
This version has a more recent version of the ECW dlls
for better support for IWS 1.5. Included are things such as simple authentification. |
6014 |
18/04/2000 |
Title on first page of Install program split over 2
lines. This is to prevent the main dialog of the Install program truncating some of the
text on small displays. |
6013 |
12/04/2000 |
Documentation and hyperlinks updated to point to rather than |
6012 |
05/03/2000 |
The network and local installs have been merged so
that there is no difference between the two installs. The ECW dlls are
now installed into the MapInfo directory, rather than centrally into the System directory.
This makes running ECW for MapInfo from a network drive simpler than it was in
previous releases. |
6011 |
20/02/2000 |
An option supporting a Network Install has been added
to the InstallShield program. The MapInfo QA people requested this because it is common
for MapInfo users to install MapInfo on a shared network drive, which means that it is
important that ECW for Mapinfo supports this mode. The main difference
with the Network Install is that the ECW dlls are installed into the MapInfo directory,
rather than centrally in the System directory.In addition the Local install has been
modified to detect the presence of the ECW dlls in the MapInfo directory.
If it finds them there, the user is warned and the files deleted. Leaving old
versions of these files in the MapInfo directory would result in the old versions being
used in preference to the versions installed in the system directory. |
6010 |
09/02/2000 |
The InstallShield program has been modified so that on
Windows 2000 the full path of the MapInfo directory is displayed, rather than the short
abbreviated path. |
6009 |
02/02/2000 |
The installation program self extractor was replaced
with a different one because on some very fast PC's the original self extracting program
was sometimes leaving temporary files behind in the TEMP directory.In other ways this
version is identical to the previous version. |
6008 |
23/01/2000 |
The InstallSheild programs for both MapImagery and ECW
for MapInfo have been changed to check for miraster.dll rather than tiff.rhl to confirm
that the installation directory is a MapInfo executable directory. A
MapInfo engineer testing ECW for MapInfo prior to its inclusion on the next MapInfo Pro
CDROM made this suggestion. |
6007 |
08/12/99 |
This version contains a new version of the ECW dlls,
which mean that "Automatically Configured Proxy Servers" should now be handled
correctly without a popup message. The documentation has been updated to
make the url references more consistent. |
6006 |
28/10/99 |
This version contains improvements to the
InstallShield program to resolve the removal of old ECW dlls. Some work has also been
done to improve loss of focus experienced due to the launch of a DOS console by one of the
libraries used by the raster handler.
This version also contains improved and reworked on-line help.
Users of this version, who use an "Automatically Configured Proxy Server" may
get a popup when they open an Image Web Server Image. This issue will be resolved in a
future release of the software. In the mean time, changing your proxy configuration so
that it is explicitly configured, rather than automatically configured can prevent the
Note that the matching version of MapImagery contains some improvements to the dialog
for choosing a remote Image Web Server Image. |
6005 |
12/10/99 |
This version contains more recent versions of
the ECW dlls that should improve the performance and reliability, when working with
URL images. The documentation has been updated with more details on how MapImagery can
be used to automatically generate .tab and .url files for viewing remote Image Web Server
images within MapInfo.
Note that you need MapImagery 6.040 or later for the Image Web Server enhancements. |
6004 |
28/09/99 |
This version contains more recent versions of
the ECW dlls, that should work with the latest Image Web Server software. Also
included are some fixes to make viewing ECW images via the Image Web Server more robust,
and some minor documentation changes. |
6003 |
22/09/99 |
This version is shipped with a more recent
version of the ECW dlls. These are required, since an upgrade to the Image Web Server
software. Note that these ECW dlls are installed locally into the MapInfo directory -
in a future release they may get installed into the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory for
coexistence with other ECW plugins and simple upgrading.
It is functionally the same as the previous version, but includes an ECW help document
as well as changes to the InstallShield program to install the help file.
One known problem with this version is that MapInfo freezes on exit on some machines.
This problem is being worked on. |
6002 |
21/09/99 |
.This version is a total re-write of ECW for
MapInfo, to improve stability, functionality and to fix several bugs with earlier version. Support
for .url files (a disk file with a .url extension that contains an Image Web Server
address) has been added.
The memory management has been re-written to make the raster handler much more stable. |
6001 |
09/06/99 |
A native MapInfo Raster handler that supports
raw ECW and ECW2 has been created. This handler is shipped as part of MapImagery, but
is also shipped separately, primarily for MapX based applications, that cant take
advantage of the MapImagery GUI. |